It’s not hip to admit but… I had a blast with Bryan Adams live at Rod Laver tonight.

It’s weird how you can not hear a song for decades, and yet still know all the words by heart.  

With sixteen albums to his name, Bryan had no trouble filling a couple of hours with hits the 10,000 strong crowd could sing along to with gusto.  And there’s something magical about being part of a chorus that large, live and loud.

It was a night of retro rock fun, which gave me flashbacks to my teen loves.  Such a pleasure to relive dancing around the house to Summer of ‘69, swooning over Everything I Do, and sneaking out my bedroom window to Run To You.  Good times!  

Tapping such nostalgia might just be the secret to being 18 Til I Die.

Tell me, which concert has taken you back in time?